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Nurture Your Creative Mind Through Journaling
Journaling can really help you to nurture your creative mind. Whether you’re a photographer, artist or writer, your creativity is crucial to your ability to carry out your job. Therefore, it consistently needs to be nurtured. So, how can journaling help with this? Below you’ll discover how to nurture your creative mind through journaling.
First things first – Choosing the right journal
If you want to get the most out of your creative journal, you’re going to need to make sure you actually enjoy using it. As silly as it may sound, the first step to this is to ensure you like the look of the journal. You will notice I mention this in almost every post. I can't tell you how many journals I've stopped using because I didn't like the paper or pens bled through all of the time or it had lines. Whatever. #papersnob - what can I say?
How the journal is presented can make a surprising difference on how inspired and motivated you feel to use it. So, take your time to browse through the various journals on the market and choose one which speaks to you.
The benefits of a dream journal
There’s a lot of ways you can use the journal to inspire creativity. However, one you may not have considered using is
dream journaling
. Many authors, artists, and musicians have discovered dream journals can help nurture their creativity. Dreams take on many different forms and can, therefore, be used to inspire creative ideas.
The lead singer of the band
, famously opened up in an interview that the smash hit “
Drops of Jupiter
” was written after he had a dream. So, if you are stuck for ideas, recording your dreams can be a great way to unlock your creativity once again.
Learning to trust the authority in your voice
When you start to keep a creative journal, it trains you to trust the authority in your voice. So, what does this mean? Well, it basically means you learn to stop double guessing and questioning your creativity. A creative journal doesn’t have rules. Instead, it encourages you to write or draw freely. There are no corrections made to anything and nothing you put in the journal is ever wrong. So, you’ll start to trust your creativity, rather than question it.
Growing your thoughts and insights
Creativity often stems from thoughts and insights. After you’ve jotted your thoughts down into the
, you can go back to them another day and expand upon what you wrote. Look at the ideas you’ve written down and see how they can be expanded. Often, it’s just the initial ideas which are the hard part. Once they’re written down, you should find it easier to expand upon them.
As you can see, nurturing your creativity is pretty simple if you follow the above ideas. The key is to use the journal every single day. You may need to force yourself to use it some days, but the effort you put in will definitely be worth it.