Showing posts with label Awards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Awards. Show all posts

Flawesome Award

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The fabulous Imogen nominated me for the Flawesome Award. This award was created by Sophie Ismaa and is all about celebrating our flaws and turning them into strengths.

The Rules

  • Link back to the creator and thank the person who nominated you.
  • Display the award on your blog.
  • List three flaws and turn them into strengths.
  • Tag 10 other people to celebrate their flaws too.
My Flaws

1.  Perfectionism

I tend to be extremely hard on myself.  I used to cry in grade school if I couldn't figure out a math problem.  I also beat myself up when I got my first B in 3rd grade and cried to my teacher and mom.  This, however, is a good thing because it has made me successful and driven my life long love of learning.

2.  A Superior Need for Control

I get seriously freaked out if things are out of my control.  While I was struggling with PPD, this became even more apparent.  As we all know, most of our life is outside of our control - you can only control yourself and your reactions.  It has made me a great planner at work at parties.  You name it - I own what I am doing/trying to accomplish.

3.  Extremely Emotional

I cry at commercials.  Yes, I'm that teary-eyed one if there's a baby on the TV.  My friends have made fun of me for years for how sensitive I can be.  I honestly don't know any other way of living and it has given me a huge heart.  I will give you the shirt off of my back if you need it.  I'm a great hugger and always there to be a shoulder to cry on.

Sorry for the brevity in the post, my 2-year-old is trying to attack me while I'm typing this!

I nominate


Bella Inspired Grace Receives Blogger Recognition Award!

**Some of the links in this post are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you choose to make a purchase.

Sunshine Blogger Award - 2nd Nomination!

**Some of the links in this post are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you choose to make a purchase.

The Sunshine Blogger Award

I was nominated for this award for the second time by Halos and Life.  I started blogging in May and it is so humbling to have been nominated twice.  

The Versatile Blogger Award

**Some of the links in this post are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you choose to make a purchase.

I am so honored to have been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award! A Huge thank you to Laura Eslick of The Cornish Maid for nominating me!

Sunshine Blogger Award - WOW!

**Some of the links in this post are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you choose to make a purchase.

Well, this was certainly a surprise! I've only been blogging a month and I was nominated for something. Jeepers Creepers! Amazing!