This is me, Lee Cowan. You'll note the bags under my eyes, the little hand, the funny flower hair bow in my hair (that should be in my daughter's), and a few wrinkles. I've been contemplating starting this site for well over 2 years now. I have put plans together, chosen fonts, images, themes, ideas, you name it...I've scribbled about it, bujo'd it, daydreamed about it but never could get to just doing it.
My little girl, Bella Boo, has inspired me in so many ways since her birth over a year ago. Hence, the name of my website: Bella Inspired Grace. She has taught me grace through struggle, grace through inspiration, and most importantly grace through her amazing smile and laugh. I love all things planning related (bullet journaling, stickers, pens, markers, washi tape); I loved inspirational quotes. I love anything that evokes beauty and inspires grace. Please join me in my journey to continue to find these things in everyday life. Think BIG. Think Bella Inspired Grace.
Disclosure: “Some of the links in this website are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission.”