Showing posts with label Purpose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Purpose. Show all posts

Is Teaching The Right Career For You?

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Are you ready to explore a new career path? Perhaps you’re just getting started looking for jobs on the market? If so, then you might want to think about becoming a teacher. Here are some of the key factors to think about when deciding whether this is going to be the right career move for you specifically. 

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Do You Like Kids?

You have to like kids if you want to be a teacher. We’ve all had teachers who clearly didn’t enjoy being around children. This is a recipe for disaster, as we’ll discuss a little further down. If you enjoy being around kids and thinking at their level, then teaching could be perfect for you. The more easily you can relate to children, the better off you will be in this particular role. 

Are You Creative?

Teaching requires you to be creative. You need to make sure that you are taking steps to make lessons fun and interesting. If you fail to do this, then you’re going to lose the attention of the class pretty quickly. Luckily, there are resources from companies like Studentreasures Publishing that can help you here. They can provide you with materials, tools and strategies to help ensure that your classes don’t bore students into oblivion. You should also be prepared to explore different ways to approach various subjects and lessons to ensure that they are more engaging. 

Do You Have Patience?

You must have a great deal of patience if you are going to be a great teacher. Some kids are going to push you to your limit but that’s okay. This is one more reason why it’s important that if you’re a teacher you actually like kids. It will make it far easier to show them patience, even when they are making this incredibly difficult. If you are worried about your levels of patience but you still want to be a teacher, then there are steps you can take. For instance, you might want to try meditating

Can You Separate Work And Life?

Finally, you need to make sure that when you’re a teacher, you’ll be able to separate your work life from your life at home. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be invested in what happens to your students. You absolutely should. But you shouldn’t let it take an emotional toll on you once you walk through the school gates at the end of each day. When you’re off the clock, you need to be able to let everything go. If you can’t then teaching will take over more aspects of your life because you’ll constantly be worried about what’s going on with the kids in your class. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the key factors that you should keep in mind when you are deciding whether teaching is going to be the right career move for you. Ultimately, if you’re not the right fit for this role, then you’re never going to put in the heart and the effort that students deserve. 


How To Deal With Problems Associated With Getting Older

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Unfortunately, it is inevitable that you will get older. There will always be issues associated with this and it is up to you how you tackle them. You are far more at risk of developing health related problems such as arthritis and dementia when you are over the age of 60. Here is a list of ailments you may find yourself worrying about and how to overcome them.

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Mental Health

This is vital to keep watch over, when you get to a certain age you are far more at risk of developing cognitive problems such as memory loss associated with dementia or Alzeihmers. It is thought that once you stop keeping your brain busy and active it simply starts to decline. Previously your brain would have been kept active through work or going out with friends. Once you get to retirement age this happens less often. You need to make a conscious effort to keep your brain healthy, this can be done through word and number puzzles such as sudoku and crosswords. 

Diet & Exercise

As you get older you may find it heartbreaking that you can’t eat all the wonderful things you could before. Once you are in your prime your body starts to need less calories, you may find that you need to eat little and often rather than three meals a day. This is due to your metabolism slowing right down, this usually happens around the age of 50. If you continue to eat as you did before you may find that you are putting on more weight around your middle, this is known as middle-aged spread but it can happen in old-age as well. 

You should also be aiming to complete at least 30/45 minutes of exercise each day to keep away any weight-related conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and strokes. Exercise should be gentle and not too strenuous on your joints. Swimming and yoga are great examples of this. 

Physical Health 

You may notice your physical health taking a turn for the worse as soon as you reach the age of 40, it doesn’t get much better. You might find that your joints are getting stiffer and it takes you that bit longer to get out of bed each morning. You need to be aware of various physical health complaints when you get older as they can be a sign of something more serious. One thing that will be slightly more noticeable is your need to pee more often. As you age your bladder and the muscles you use to hold your wee get weaker, this means you are far more susceptible to incontinence. This is nothing to be embarrassed about and it affects a high percentage of the older population. There are ways you can manage this, incontinence briefs and pads for example. There are more serious cases where you could consider surgery. 

We hope you found this article helpful and it gives you some top tips on how to deal with common ailments you may struggle with when you reach a certain age. Remember, to always consult your doctor if you are worried. 


How To Journal For Mental Wellness

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A journal can be whatever you want it to be. For some people, it’s a record of each day. For others, it’s a creative outlet. For others, it’s a way to manage their mental wellness. Journaling for mental wellness has gained a lot of focus over recent years (especially since the pandemic). If you’re thinking of trying it, here are three points to consider.

Journal on paper

You can journal electronically if you really want to. It is, however, a good idea at least to try paper journaling. Many people find it a very different experience from journaling electronically and a better one for mental wellness.  

Apart from anything else, journaling on paper, by definition, takes you away from screens. It can also help to force you to slow down. Even if you’re a slow typist, using a keyboard is still often much quicker than writing. That’s fine if you just need to get a job done but sometimes there’s a case for going slowly and mindfully.

Journaling on paper also provides a high degree of privacy and security compared to journaling electronically. You don’t have to deal with tech fails or cybersecurity issues. There’s also less danger of you accidentally publishing something you meant to keep private.

Balance structure with freedom

Even though the names are similar, bullet journaling and regular journaling are different. You can, however, draw inspiration from bullet journaling. In particular, you could look at its balance of structure and flexibility as a guide for your journaling. For example, you might want to include prompts and trackers alongside blank space for you to use as you wish.

You can also keep a “temporary” journal as well as a proper one. Your temporary journal can essentially be your “catch-all” for whatever thoughts you want to record. This can literally mean anything from basic to-dos to your thoughts on the Yelp extortion issue. You would then distill these down into your proper journal.

This approach is particularly useful when you’re still figuring out what you want from your journal. Even once you do have an established journaling process, it can still be handy to have an “overflow” notebook.

Push your creative boundaries

As previously mentioned, your journal can and should be whatever you want it to be. If, however, you’re journaling for mental wellness, then you may find it very helpful to push your creative boundaries. At the very least, it’s worth trying and seeing how you feel about it.

Pushing your creative boundaries will mean different things to different people. Basically, it will depend on where your starting point is. If you’ve never considered yourself to be creative then you might want to start with the likes of stickers and stamps and doodles. If you are more artistic, then use your journal to try out new techniques.

Regardless of your previous artistic experience (if any), you might want to try exploring neurographics. This is a technique for drawing out your inner feelings and expressing them on paper where you can address them. Many people find it very soothing and relaxing.


Tackling Problems at Work

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We spend a large proportion of our lives at work. While many of us spend a lot of time deciding what we want to do, what company we want to work for - and will work hard getting ourselves there - there’s one thing you can’t guarantee when starting any job. This is that you will get on with your colleagues. The people you work with can make or break a job. While they may be competent in their roles, some people can be problematic on a personal level. They might be rude. They might be brash. They might simply have personalities that just don’t gel too well with your own. So, what should you do if you start to experience problems in the workplace?

First, you need to determine how serious the issues between you and your colleague are. There are some serious issues out there, including racism, sexism, homophobia, or other forms of prejudice or discrimination. These should be brought up to HR immediately. Issues such as sexual harassment and bullying are also major. However, some issues, such as someone being a little blunt, or someone simply irritating you, can often be easily overcome with the right intervention techniques. The infographic below will help you to see some common problems in the workplace between employees and will give you a good idea of how you should deal with them for effective and positive results. Take a read through to clear up any issues you might have!

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The Real Way To Get Into Crafting

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Crafting is one of the best ways for people to spend time indoors. If you have often thought about getting into this yourself, then there is no good reason not to.

Journey to Finding Life's Purpose - Part 4

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Meditation isn’t just for the Yogis and Buddhist monks of the world anymore. Meditation has been around for thousands of years. Meditation and mindfulness have never been more popular than they are today. It’s now a tool used by medical professionals in a variety of fields and in the business world. Prisons are even teaching meditation to inmates.

Journey to Find Life's Purpose - Part 3

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Most of us don’t enjoy writing. A lot of people would much rather ponder things, but writing can be a very powerful tool. Clearly, if you have read my blog, you know I am not of that persuasion.  I have written posts on why I think everyone should have a journal, how to motivate yourself to journal daily,  and how to nurture your creative mind with journaling.  

Journey to Finding Life's Purpose - Part 1

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Do you wake up each day dreading the idea of spending another day at work? You might even feel the need to be a part of something bigger and more meaningful. If you’ve failed to discover and build your life around your life purpose, you might feel dissatisfied with your life. Determining the purpose of your life can be a simple process.

Journey to Finding Life's Purpose - Part 2

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It’s impossible to find your purpose without a degree of self-reflection. Answers are the result of asking questions. Asking the right questions will provide the answers you seek.