Easy Ways to Start Looking after your Mental Health

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If you know that your mental health is suffering because of your job, the stress of home or anything else of the sort, then you will understand how important it is for you to make a change. After all, if you don’t then the problems you are experiencing will only get worse.


There really are many advantages to exercising. It can help you to boost your energy levels and it can also help you to use up any excess energy as well. This is a fantastic way for you to regulate your sleep pattern and your fitness. Another great bonus of working out is that it can help you to manage stress, and it is also great for boosting your confidence too. This can work wonders for your mental health, and it is also great if you want to try and help yourself to be more outgoing.


Nothing can quite compare to having a balanced diet. When your diet is balanced, this can help you with your energy levels and it can also help with weight control. This has a knock-on effect when it comes to your self-esteem and it is also a great way for you to feel better in yourself. If you want to get some help when it comes to your mental health or if you feel as though your diet is doing nothing for your state of mind then why not consider talking with someone from Bluesky Psychology?

Photo by Lovefreund


It is very easy to become overwhelmed with life, to the point where you can’t seem to find time for yourself. You have to know that this is completely normal. It is essential however that you find time to look after your mental health, and that you also relax in a way that relates to your lifestyle. This can be watching a movie with your loved one, or even practicing yoga on your own. Either way, it can really help you to take back control of your life and your stress levels.


Sleep is so crucial for your physical and your mental health. Sleep helps you to become re-energised and it also helps your body to heal. Another bonus of sleep is that it keeps your memory working properly. If you don’t feel as though you are getting enough sleep in the day then you really do need to try and avoid stimulants where possible. You also need to try and make sure that you stay in a good routine, and that you go to bed at the same time every day. When you are able to get yourself into some good habits, you can then begin to feel better and you can also make sure that you are giving your body the rest that it needs.

Of course, sometimes the stress of life gets too much, and this happens to everyone, but by making sure that you are looking after your mental health, you can be sure to help yourself stay healthy and positive during this difficult time.


The Benefits of Keeping a Bullet Journal

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The Benefits of Keeping a Bullet Journal

Bullet journals provide an easy way to track all of your thoughts, feelings, appointments, and goals for your life, whether for today, next week, or 10 years from now. Here are some of the different benefits of having a bullet journal.

You Can Reduce Stress and Anxiety

First of all, if you struggle with a lot of stress and anxiety on a regular basis, the bullet journal can help with that. You are able to record your moods and behavior changes, which help you to determine triggers for your anxiety and panic attacks. 

Since you aren’t missing appointments or schedules and become more focused on a daily basis, you can also find great stress relief.

It Helps Keep You Organized

You can also become a more organized person with the help of a bullet journal. Perhaps you remember to get to work on time and bring your kids to their dentist appointments, but you tend to forget about your daily fitness regimen or don’t feel organized enough for meal planning. The bullet journal can help with these tasks and much more.

The Journal Replaces Your Traditional Planner

Planners are great, but there tend to be some limitations with the store-bought varieties. They aren’t very customizable, so you are forced to use whatever calendar layouts and note pages are provided to you. This limits you to how much you can include on each page and what sections there are. 

With a bullet journal, it replaces your planner and includes absolutely anything and everything that you find important.

You Get More Information About Your Personal Goals

Bullet journals can give you a better idea of what your personal goals are and what is required to reach those goals. You will start including lists, aspirations, and bucket lists. This, when looking back on it, really gives you a good idea of what you want out of life and what tasks you need to do in order to achieve them.

You Can Track Your Regular Habits

When you enter detailed information in your bullet journal about your daily life, you will then be able to track your regular habits. 

For example, if you have a food and exercise log section, it lets you see what you are eating on a regular basis, how often you eat out, and what areas of your fitness routine need work. 

You can also track your moods and resulting anxiety or stress, or track your daily expenses to see where you might be able to cut back.

4 Tips to Getting Through The Stresses And Strain Of Being A Mom

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Finding out that you’re pregnant and that you are to become a mother is one of the greatest feelings in the world. A few months beyond that, you realize that giving birth and welcoming your child into the world takes the lead as the greatest. Seeing the little human being that you created and grow inside you for months and months finally in your arms as they frown, smile, cry and laugh is a feeling that you don’t understand until the moment happens to you.

28 Day Reading Challenge - Day 10

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I've read some pretty good chick-lit lately.  Sophie Kinsella never fails to come through.  One of her new books, Surprise Me also does not disappoint.

28 Day Reading Challenge - Day 9

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I run the risk of seeming like a book reader that really only loves books that get turned into movies given that most of my other posts in this challenge fit that description.  Particularly with today's selection of The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks.