Showing posts with label Parent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parent. Show all posts

Tackling Problems at Work

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We spend a large proportion of our lives at work. While many of us spend a lot of time deciding what we want to do, what company we want to work for - and will work hard getting ourselves there - there’s one thing you can’t guarantee when starting any job. This is that you will get on with your colleagues. The people you work with can make or break a job. While they may be competent in their roles, some people can be problematic on a personal level. They might be rude. They might be brash. They might simply have personalities that just don’t gel too well with your own. So, what should you do if you start to experience problems in the workplace?

First, you need to determine how serious the issues between you and your colleague are. There are some serious issues out there, including racism, sexism, homophobia, or other forms of prejudice or discrimination. These should be brought up to HR immediately. Issues such as sexual harassment and bullying are also major. However, some issues, such as someone being a little blunt, or someone simply irritating you, can often be easily overcome with the right intervention techniques. The infographic below will help you to see some common problems in the workplace between employees and will give you a good idea of how you should deal with them for effective and positive results. Take a read through to clear up any issues you might have!

Infographic Design By USC


The Ultimate Coparenting Guide (How To Keep Things Right For Your Kid, Even When Your Relationship Goes Wrong)

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When a valued relationship like a marriage or civil partnership breaks down, it can be devastating, even if there is no one else involved. Of course, add a child or children to the mix, and things can get complicated very quickly. Especially if both parties still want to play an active role in their children's lives. That is not to say that co-parenting cannot be successful, however. In fact, you absolutely do not need to be in a relationship with the other person to do what is best for your child. The same being true for bringing them up to be a happy and well-adjusted individual. A topic that you can get the lowdown on in the post below. 

Adapting To Life As A Single Parent

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Breakups are difficult at any stage of life, but are particularly tough when splitting from your child’s other parent. In addition to supporting your son or daughter through the transitional phases, you must pay attention to your need.

There is a long journey ahead, but the following steps will lead you to success.

Family, Divorce, Separation, Before, Marriage Divorce

#1. Attend To The Emotional Scars

Some relationships just fizzle out. However, many come as the result of a serious problem. It’s important that you treat those issues ASAP. Whether it’s attending a narcissistic abuse recovery program or understanding why your spouse cheated doesn’t matter. You need a chance to rediscover yourself. A sense of closure, and the opportunity to close the chapter and start the next one on a positive platform is key. Until then, you’ll never be truly happy – single or with a new partner.

#2. Be The Best Possible Parent

Regardless of relationship status, being a great parent is your number one goal in life. Shielding them from the relationship problems and fighting is important. When it comes to separation, it is better to stay united and offer reassurances at all times. Depending on the reason for the breakup, this might not be possible. Ultimately, you have to weigh up the options before finding what works best in your personal situation. Either way, maintaining stability in their daily lives should be top of the agenda. After all, it’s better to have two happy homes than one unhappy one.
People, Man, Adult, Hands, Child, Toddler, Father

#3. Be Happy In Your Skin

It’s easy to let our looks and health slide when we’re in relationships. Therefore, taking some time to invest in your health and rebuild a sense of self-confidence is vital. Seeking enjoyment from healthy eating and regular exercise will also keep your emotional health in a far better place. If nothing else, the distractions allow you to stop dwelling on negative thoughts and focus on the positive steps that are being made in your life. This will make the transitional phase far easier.

#4. Make Time For Friends & Family

A little adult conversation goes a long way when you’re getting over a breakup as a parent. Without it, the cycle of being stuck with your thoughts and child-friendly chat will get to you. Visits to or from your family and friends are essential. It’s OK to let your hair down on the nights when your son or daughter is with your ex spouse too. As long as it doesn’t impact your capabilities as a parent, the emotional benefits of creating balance in your life are huge. If you’re not careful, the loneliness can seriously harm your enthusiasm.

#5. Think About Finances

Adapting to the new lifestyle is very stressful, and financial problems are at the heart of it. Reducing your bills without compromising life quality is essential. Meanwhile, you can speak to experts about the financial support that may be available. Obtaining your financial entitlements will make the road ahead far easier. Aside from anything else, it’s one less distraction to worry about. In turn, you can focus on doing the best for yourself and your children. What more could you want?


Outdoor Electronics For A Different Kind Of Play

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child playing with dried leaves

Most parents like the idea of giving their children something unique and interesting to spend their time on. It can be hard to drag the little ones away from the computer screen, nowadays, and many mums and dads would rather their little ones be enjoying themselves outdoors. Of course, though, there aren’t that many digital devices that can survive outdoor play. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring some of the best outdoor electronics on the market, giving you the chance to change the way your children play, without forcing them to use toys that they don’t like.


You’ve probably already heard of drones before, with these electronics taking the world by storm over the last few years. They come in all shapes and sizes, with some designed for professional camera work, and others made for fun. You will be looking for the latter and this isn’t too hard at all. It’s worth reading some reviews when you’re looking for products like this, along with considering local laws that could make it hard for your child to play with their drone. This sort of toy can teach your child about physics, along with giving them the chance to test their dexterity, with most cheaper drones being challenging to fly.


While they are often underrated when compared to their airborne counterparts, boats are amazing machines. With some being almost unthinkably huge, it’s easy to let the imagination wander when a child is playing with something like this. You can look at these battleships to learn more about the options you have available to you, giving you the chance to find a remote-controlled boat that will interest you and your child. You will need a body of water to be able to use a product like this, with lakes, ponds, and swimming pools being far better than a bath. Of course, though, like the drone, you need to think about your local laws.

Mobile Games

Not everyone has the resources to splash out on expensive gadgets for their children. Unfortunately, a lot of these items are very expensive and this leaves families on strict budgets without the option to buy them. To make up for this, mobile games have been opening up over the last few years, and there are now several options which are designed to be played outside. Pokemon Go! is a great example of this. A player needs to walk around outside if they want to progress, and there are often large meetings of other players who can trade and get to know one another. This sort of product is changing the way children can play, all without their parents having to drag them away from their phones.

With all of this in mind, you should be feeling ready to take on the challenge of creating a different kind of play for your child. A lot of people find it hard to know what they need to do when they’re looking for alternative options for outdoor play, though this market is booming like never before.

Developing a Strong Relationship with Your Teen

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Teenagers are a challenge. They can drive you crazy, eat up all of your disposable income and bring all kinds of dramas into your home, but there’s no denying your love for them. Your child’s teenage years are when they start becoming adults, shaping who they’re going to be in the future. It’s a time you’ll want to be around for which can be difficult when your teenager is trying to push the boundaries.

Setting Your Kids Up For Success

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You want your children to be happy and healthy above all else. You also want them to grow up strong and secure in themselves and to be able to achieve whatever it is they want out of life. After all, as a parent, it’s your job to give your child everything they need in their first years of life! (And of course, for the next couple of decades too…)

Making Sure Your Kids are Getting Sufficient Exercise

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When we think of exercise, many of us automatically think of our own exercise regimes. We think of heading to the gym, meeting up with a personal trainer, and attending different classes, but adults aren’t the only ones who need to exercise - kids need to exercise too!

Are You Ready To Start A Family?

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Knowing whether you are ready or not to start a family can be very difficult. Some people feel like they have always been ready to have children. There are then those who are never ready for this and don’t want to have kids at all. What is important to remember is that there is no right or wrong. You should not judge yourself on what others have done. You should focus on yourself and what is right for you. With that being said, read on to discover some of the signs that you probably are ready to have children.

Do you feel financially ready? Of course, money is not the most important thing in life. However, when you are bringing a baby into the world, it is important to be stable at least. You are going to be entering a period whereby you are going to have another life in your hands. You will need to buy more supplies, more food, and then you will need to start paying for school once your child starts to get older, and so on. It quickly gets expensive.

Are you ready to put down roots? Are you happy living in the area you currently reside in? Can you see yourself living there for the next few years? Are you happy to swap your regular holidays for the foreseeable future for this new life?

Do you have the capacity for empathy? This is a bit of a strange one, as there are a lot of people who cannot answer this question until they become a parent for the first time and they 100 percent know that they do have the capacity for empathy. However, there are a lot of people who have seen family planning experts upon learning they were pregnant because they simply don’t feel like they have this compassion or that it’s in their make-up to be a parent. This can sound unusual to those reading this who know they want kids, but for some people, it just wasn’t meant to be their path in life.

Is your relationship strong? Last but not least, you need to look at your relationship when you are considering bringing a baby into this world. This may sound obvious, but it is surprising how many people do not consider this at all. They simply decide they want to have a baby, even though their relationship may not be in the best place right now. Remember, having a baby will only add more stress and strain - it won’t fix anything. Your relationship needs to be strong.

All things considered, we hope that this blog post has helped you to figure out whether or not you are ready to have children. Even if you do feel ready right now, you may never feel 100 per cent ready because of the fact that this is such a big change in anyone’s life. Nevertheless, as mentioned, it is all about you and your partner, so concentrate on this.


New Parent? Here Is Some Advice For You

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So you finally home, and it’s just you, and your little one. Maybe you have a partner, perhaps you don’t. Either way, it’s a wild ride. The first few days, you’re being asked if the baby is 'good,' are they sleeping through the night, where do they sleep? You look tired. It’s an endless stream of well-meaning questions and advice. But in reality, a newborn baby sleeps, eats, and poops. They cry when they aren’t on you, and you’ve never been needed as much as this. You aren’t even 100% sure when to call your pediatric doctor!

It is hard but so, so wonderful too. The pressure we put on parents to have everything together from the moment the baby arrives is incredible. It’s hard to feel like you are failing, even when really you’re flying.

Here are some little pieces of advice, you can take it or leave it - just like everything, you know what is best for you and your baby.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash


Your baby has gone from living in your loud womb out into the world. And suddenly, we all start shushing. Tiptoeing around. And, actually, eventually, you might need to. But right now, they can take the noise of the hoover, you laughing with a friend, the washing machine and so on. Of course, if you want the peace too then indulge in it.

The Other Parent

Families come in many different forms now. But typically the person who gave birth will be the one that is parents A, but the bonding with parent B needs to be nurtured as early on as possible. If you happen to be breastfeeding, there are still many opportunities for the other parent to bond. Parent B will smell, sound, and feel differently than you do. So it is wise to start giving them time to get used to each other too.


Preparation will help you no end. Before the little one arrives, everything seems under control. However, when they appear, it can be whirlwind of diapers and babygrows. Help yourself out a little and have an ‘action’ bag. Pop it in the car - with two diapers, a thin pack of wipes, and a change of outfit. When you can predict the feeding times, get your partner to help make sure everything is ready for the next feed, or diaper change. If you don’t have a partner, then you will be your own best friend here and take care of the next feed prep as soon as you’ve finished the one you are currently on.

It will be busy, it will be emotional, and no one can prepare you for what is to come. You can devour book after book of fantastic information, but when it comes down to it, 3am can be exhausting and beautiful all at the same time. Try to take it a day at a time and remember you are recovering from bringing a human into this world. Be kind to you too.

“A new baby marks the beginnings of all things – wonder, hope, and a beautiful dream of possibilities.”


An Age-Old Problem: Helping Our Children Understand Their Grandparents’ Failing Health

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While there is a lot of focus on children and their mental health these days, it can be a very difficult situation when we've got to have a heart to heart conversation with our children about their grandparents. Whether their grandparents aren’t doing very well or they have to go into care because they're too old, these issues can eat away at us until we decide to sit down with our children and have that conversation. But when it comes to this sort of thing, how can we help our children understand what's going on, but also help them to cope?
Prepare For The Conversation
You could chew away at every word permutation in your mind, but the best thing to do is to sit down and just plan how you intend on saying it. It's important that you don't sugarcoat the language so much that it becomes almost unreal what you're saying. It at the same time, the reality of the situation needs to present itself, and it's something that your children need to know. Ultimately, it can be a very difficult thing if you have difficulties in trying to speak to your children in the first place. On, there are some handy hints for being a parent that your child actually wants to talk to. This is something that could tip the balance firmly in your favor. Ultimately, you need to break the news, but if you're someone that they don't really take seriously, or they just ignore, it can prove to be more of a shock when you do deliver bad news.
Be Open And Receptive
They may have a million questions or they may have none. Whatever their response, it's important to be open and honest, but also be receptive to any questions they have, no matter how grizzly the details they want. This can be a very difficult thing for us to go through as parents, but it's important that our children understand exactly what's going on. If they have only half the information, they're going to walk away feeling more confused. What's happening to the grandparents? Are they been taken away? Are they not coming back ever again? It's these sorts of things that need answering in the most straightforward manner. This requires openness and honesty.
Offering Them Ways To Help
Your children will want to see them, or they may want to help. Ultimately, if it's something like your parents going into a home, if your child is old enough to have some of the responsibility, you can give them things to help with so they can contribute. Something as simple as visiting  can be a great way for you to give your child the time they need to adjust. This can mean that they may be able to process the news easier. If they feel they are far away from the situation, and you're not letting them get involved, this could very easily compound their anxiety.
It's never easy, and it's an age-old problem, but by discussing with your children these difficult situations, it's going to have a more positive outcome than you realize, no matter how long you have been putting it off.
