There are three main options for marketing for any business. You can hire an in-house marketing team, you can make marketing a responsibility of one of your employees, or you can outsource and hire an external agency to help you with yours. Researching your options to figure out what could work for you is the best step to take before you finalize that decision.
When you choose to outsource your marketing, it’s important to note that you don't have to outsource every single avenue. In fact, if you only wanted to get help with a white label SEO reseller, you can do that. Outsourcing your marketing and giving this part of your business over to someone else isn't always an easy step, especially if you prefer to have control! However, there are some pros and cons to outsourcing your marketing, and we’ve got them all listed for you below.
No more issues with human resources. When you choose to outsource to an agency or a consultant, you don't have them become an employee. In fact, you save yourself a lot of money and grief by not hiring someone permanently at all! Instead, you avoid vacation disputes, sick pay, long term leave and any issues with staff.
You don't have to hire for long. Let’s say you have a particular project due on a certain date for a client. When you choose to outsource your marketing strategy, you aren't obligated to hire that person full time. In fact, you can choose to hire someone just a day or two at a time as you need them. The cost up front is easier, too.
You get specialist expertise. You can have a specialist working with you for the particular marketing help you need. If your business needs a specialist, you can find one by simply looking to outsource.
You can closely monitor the agency. Whoever you outsource to, you can monitor them and learn of their history and which clients they have used in the past. If they’re a new company, there may not be enough information, though.
A con: you may have less face time. When you have a job to be done, you might worry that you don't get enough face to face time with the agency you hire to get the job done for you. It’s vital that you consider this if you prefer to have some semblance of control over the process.
Another con: you don't have someone in the office, too. If you need a heavy job done, then not having someone in the office with you can make it harder to manage the entire process from start to finish.
Is it right for you? The last thing to think about is whether you will be in or out of the loop with your marketing agency. You want to be involved in the conversation, adn that can take some time to figure out! Should you outsource? That’s the last decision that you have to make when it comes to your marketing.
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