8 Questions to Ask Yourself to Design The Life Of Your Dreams

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With the new year upon us, it is the perfect time to reevaluate where you are in life and where you want to go.

Adapting To Life As A Single Parent

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Breakups are difficult at any stage of life, but are particularly tough when splitting from your child’s other parent. In addition to supporting your son or daughter through the transitional phases, you must pay attention to your need.

There is a long journey ahead, but the following steps will lead you to success.

Family, Divorce, Separation, Before, Marriage Divorce

#1. Attend To The Emotional Scars

Some relationships just fizzle out. However, many come as the result of a serious problem. It’s important that you treat those issues ASAP. Whether it’s attending a narcissistic abuse recovery program or understanding why your spouse cheated doesn’t matter. You need a chance to rediscover yourself. A sense of closure, and the opportunity to close the chapter and start the next one on a positive platform is key. Until then, you’ll never be truly happy – single or with a new partner.

#2. Be The Best Possible Parent

Regardless of relationship status, being a great parent is your number one goal in life. Shielding them from the relationship problems and fighting is important. When it comes to separation, it is better to stay united and offer reassurances at all times. Depending on the reason for the breakup, this might not be possible. Ultimately, you have to weigh up the options before finding what works best in your personal situation. Either way, maintaining stability in their daily lives should be top of the agenda. After all, it’s better to have two happy homes than one unhappy one.
People, Man, Adult, Hands, Child, Toddler, Father

#3. Be Happy In Your Skin

It’s easy to let our looks and health slide when we’re in relationships. Therefore, taking some time to invest in your health and rebuild a sense of self-confidence is vital. Seeking enjoyment from healthy eating and regular exercise will also keep your emotional health in a far better place. If nothing else, the distractions allow you to stop dwelling on negative thoughts and focus on the positive steps that are being made in your life. This will make the transitional phase far easier.

#4. Make Time For Friends & Family

A little adult conversation goes a long way when you’re getting over a breakup as a parent. Without it, the cycle of being stuck with your thoughts and child-friendly chat will get to you. Visits to or from your family and friends are essential. It’s OK to let your hair down on the nights when your son or daughter is with your ex spouse too. As long as it doesn’t impact your capabilities as a parent, the emotional benefits of creating balance in your life are huge. If you’re not careful, the loneliness can seriously harm your enthusiasm.

#5. Think About Finances

Adapting to the new lifestyle is very stressful, and financial problems are at the heart of it. Reducing your bills without compromising life quality is essential. Meanwhile, you can speak to experts about the financial support that may be available. Obtaining your financial entitlements will make the road ahead far easier. Aside from anything else, it’s one less distraction to worry about. In turn, you can focus on doing the best for yourself and your children. What more could you want?


Outdoor Electronics For A Different Kind Of Play

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child playing with dried leaves

Most parents like the idea of giving their children something unique and interesting to spend their time on. It can be hard to drag the little ones away from the computer screen, nowadays, and many mums and dads would rather their little ones be enjoying themselves outdoors. Of course, though, there aren’t that many digital devices that can survive outdoor play. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring some of the best outdoor electronics on the market, giving you the chance to change the way your children play, without forcing them to use toys that they don’t like.


You’ve probably already heard of drones before, with these electronics taking the world by storm over the last few years. They come in all shapes and sizes, with some designed for professional camera work, and others made for fun. You will be looking for the latter and this isn’t too hard at all. It’s worth reading some reviews when you’re looking for products like this, along with considering local laws that could make it hard for your child to play with their drone. This sort of toy can teach your child about physics, along with giving them the chance to test their dexterity, with most cheaper drones being challenging to fly.


While they are often underrated when compared to their airborne counterparts, boats are amazing machines. With some being almost unthinkably huge, it’s easy to let the imagination wander when a child is playing with something like this. You can look at these battleships to learn more about the options you have available to you, giving you the chance to find a remote-controlled boat that will interest you and your child. You will need a body of water to be able to use a product like this, with lakes, ponds, and swimming pools being far better than a bath. Of course, though, like the drone, you need to think about your local laws.

Mobile Games

Not everyone has the resources to splash out on expensive gadgets for their children. Unfortunately, a lot of these items are very expensive and this leaves families on strict budgets without the option to buy them. To make up for this, mobile games have been opening up over the last few years, and there are now several options which are designed to be played outside. Pokemon Go! is a great example of this. A player needs to walk around outside if they want to progress, and there are often large meetings of other players who can trade and get to know one another. This sort of product is changing the way children can play, all without their parents having to drag them away from their phones.

With all of this in mind, you should be feeling ready to take on the challenge of creating a different kind of play for your child. A lot of people find it hard to know what they need to do when they’re looking for alternative options for outdoor play, though this market is booming like never before.

Future Planning: An Introduction To The FIRE Movement

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For most people, their career path is very simple. They go to college, find a job after graduating, and slowly but consistently work their way up the career ladder over the course of the next 30 or so years. Then, usually by the time they are in their 60s, they are able to retire. This is the conventional career route that has been a staple of society for decades; but it’s a route that a group of people are now challenging. 

Introducing FIRE 

FIRE stands for “financial independence, retire early”. The driving force behind the idea is that retirement is not something that people should have to wait until their 60s to achieve; instead, people focusing on FIRE look to retire as soon as possible, with some achieving this goal in their 30s (though between 40 and 50 is more standard). 

Frugality is a big part of the FIRE lifestyle; in many ways, the movement is strongly related to anti-consumerism, and people choosing to spend more time enjoying the simpler things in life rather than working in order to spend. 

How is FIRE possible?

There are a few additional considerations anyone contemplating FIRE will need to keep in mind - which we will discuss in more depth soon - but the core essentials are aggressive saving and investment. People looking to achieve FIRE will spend as little of their income as possible - saving 75% of income is far from uncommon - and will instead choose to invest. Over time, the combination of savings and compounded interest from investments results in people having a large enough sum of money to retire and be able to live on the income from investments alone, rather than relying on a salary. 

How much is considered sufficient to retire on?

Most people aiming for FIRE aim to save 25 times their anticipated annual living expenses. So, if you were to estimate that you would need to spend $60,000 per year, then you would need to save $1,500,000. The x25 rule is thought to be sufficient to allow people to withdraw 4% from their savings to meet their living costs during their retirement.

Is it really possible to save that much money?

While the idea of setting so much money aside may initially seem outlandish, it is a goal that many people are able to reach. Admittedly it’s not a short-term goal - without a lottery win or two, no one is going to achieve FIRE in just a few years  - but if you’d like to retire earlier than expected, then it can be done. 

How can you get started on the path to FIRE?

The path to FIRE will always be slightly different for every person who chooses to walk it, as everyone starts from different financial positions and with slightly different goals in terms of how much they want to be able to save. However, the general steps needed to reach FIRE are as follows: 

#1 - Cost cutting 

Cost cutting is crucially important to those looking to pursue FIRE for two reasons. Firstly, FIRE requires a much higher savings rate than the 5-10% of income that most people aim for, so outgoings will have to reduce to allow this to be possible. Secondly, when actually retired, living a low-cost, frugal lifestyle is incredibly important to ensuring funds are sustainable, so it’s a good idea to get into the habit as soon as possible.

You will therefore need to go through all of your expenses and see where you can cut back. Be stringent here: anything but essentials should at least be considered for cutting if you’re dedicated to reaching FIRE. For areas of your budget that cannot be cut entirely - such as groceries, insurance payments, and so on - look for ways to reduce the amount you spend instead.

#2 - Debt repayment

FIRE requires people to save and invest as much of their income as they possibly can, while spending as little as possible - a situation that is difficult if you are carrying credit card or student loan debt. These debts will continue to accrue interest for as long as they are outstanding, which means that there’s more money being spent servicing debt than there is being saved into a potential retirement pot - which is obviously less than ideal. 

As a result, the extra funds found after cost cutting should be put towards clearing debt rather than saving for retirement; by doing this, potentially hundreds (or even thousands, depending on the size of the debt) of dollars in interest can be saved and diverted to an early retirement fund instead. 

#3 - Mortgage repayment 

Owning a property is outright is an important part of FIRE, as having to pay a mortgage (or, worse still, rent to a landlord) will inevitably deplete savings significantly and reduce the amount available to live on when retired. As a result, ensuring that your mortgage is paid off should be your next focus when you have cleared all debts; there are various methods available when it comes to paying off a mortgage, so explore these and decide which will work best for you.  

#4 - Investing 

With your mortgage paid off, you can now consider your investment options. Within the FIRE community, low-cost index funds are perhaps the most popular, but experiences and preferences do vary, so it’s advisable to seek the assistance of a financial advisor who can help decide which investments are the right choice for your specific goals. 

A quick note: Above, we have suggested that mortgage repayment and then investment is the best choice for those looking to achieve FIRE - but this is a hotly-debated topic within the FIRE community. 

Some people believe that investments and mortgage payments should be done at the same time (so interest can be earned on investments during the mortgage repayment), while others say, as we have, it’s best to focus all funds in paying off your mortgage first so that this important step can be achieved as soon as possible. 

The decision, however, is entirely yours: if you would like to split your focus, choosing to invest and pay off your mortgage at the same time, then you can do so - the route to FIRE is different for everyone, so go with what you believe to best the best course of action for you. No two routes to FIRE are the same!

Common questions people ask about FIRE 

FIRE is such an unusual idea that it is natural people may have further questions about how it works, so below we’ve sought to answer the most commonly-asked questions...

#1 - Is it possible to retire early and still pay college tuition for my children? 

Yes, but it’s complicated; there’s a helpful guide here that parents should find useful when deciding how to factor college tuition into their FIRE plans. 

#2 - Is FIRE for me if I love my job and don’t want to stop working?

Absolutely! Many people who reach FIRE continue to work even when, mathematically speaking, they do not absolutely need to. The goal of FIRE is to simply have the financial independence to choose to work, rather than having to work out of financial necessity. 

#3 - Is property ownership an essential for FIRE? 

Realistically, yes - even if you would like to live a nomadic lifestyle (such as travelling the country in an RV) post-retirement. Property is an excellent investment, so even if you’re not intending to live in your current home when you’re retired, it will still be a valuable asset and can contribute to your income if you choose to, for example, rent the property out while you explore the world. 

#4 - Should I try to increase my income in order to reach my goal faster? 

Yes, doing so can be beneficial and is a common choice for many people focused on FIRE. It is usually preferable to try and increase your hours/wage in your day job rather than embarking on a potentially-unreliable side hustle, though you can give this a try if you would prefer to do so and have the time available. 

#5 - What happens to early retirees if the market crashes? 

As we have discussed, FIRE is highly dependent on investments - but, of course, the market can go up as well as down, which could spell trouble for those who are solely reliant on investments for income. This concern is one of the reasons why working with a financial advisor is so important; they will help to diversify risk and ensure that funds are stable even in the event of a market crash. In addition, keeping some savings in cash (as in a high-interest standard savings account; not storing literal cash) can be a good way of protecting against market downswings. 

In conclusion

The FIRE movement definitely goes against convention, but can be an incredibly positive step for those who choose to commit to it. We hope the above has provided food for thought and, if you decide FIRE is the right choice for you and your family, we hope the journey is as smooth as it can possibly be.


The Essential Guide To Getting Your Kids Into Reading

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How many times do you venture into your kids’ bedrooms with your fingers crossed hoping to find them with their head in a good book, only to find them with headphones on playing some online RPG with pals? If you have read my blog previously, you know I LOVE reading. You can check my many book suggestions by clicking here for all of my posts reviewing various and sundry books.