Showing posts with label Mental Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mental Health. Show all posts

Easy Ways to Start Looking after your Mental Health

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If you know that your mental health is suffering because of your job, the stress of home or anything else of the sort, then you will understand how important it is for you to make a change. After all, if you don’t then the problems you are experiencing will only get worse.


There really are many advantages to exercising. It can help you to boost your energy levels and it can also help you to use up any excess energy as well. This is a fantastic way for you to regulate your sleep pattern and your fitness. Another great bonus of working out is that it can help you to manage stress, and it is also great for boosting your confidence too. This can work wonders for your mental health, and it is also great if you want to try and help yourself to be more outgoing.


Nothing can quite compare to having a balanced diet. When your diet is balanced, this can help you with your energy levels and it can also help with weight control. This has a knock-on effect when it comes to your self-esteem and it is also a great way for you to feel better in yourself. If you want to get some help when it comes to your mental health or if you feel as though your diet is doing nothing for your state of mind then why not consider talking with someone from Bluesky Psychology?

Photo by Lovefreund


It is very easy to become overwhelmed with life, to the point where you can’t seem to find time for yourself. You have to know that this is completely normal. It is essential however that you find time to look after your mental health, and that you also relax in a way that relates to your lifestyle. This can be watching a movie with your loved one, or even practicing yoga on your own. Either way, it can really help you to take back control of your life and your stress levels.


Sleep is so crucial for your physical and your mental health. Sleep helps you to become re-energised and it also helps your body to heal. Another bonus of sleep is that it keeps your memory working properly. If you don’t feel as though you are getting enough sleep in the day then you really do need to try and avoid stimulants where possible. You also need to try and make sure that you stay in a good routine, and that you go to bed at the same time every day. When you are able to get yourself into some good habits, you can then begin to feel better and you can also make sure that you are giving your body the rest that it needs.

Of course, sometimes the stress of life gets too much, and this happens to everyone, but by making sure that you are looking after your mental health, you can be sure to help yourself stay healthy and positive during this difficult time.


Help, Life Is Too Much To Manage

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Everyone has good and bad days. But when your bad and emotionally overwhelming days are taking over, it’s time to look for a solution that can help you to take back control. The truth is you’re not a prisoner of your own life. But the feeling you are unable to influence events can be devastating. Can you free yourself from those stressful shackles? There is no denying that you are never in charge of what happens around you. But you can control how it affects you and how you react to it. You can turn those bad days into better ones!

5 Activities That Encourage A Calm Mind

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In this day and age, it’s natural for you to feel overwhelmed. Very much so. And when this is the case, you’re going to want to make sure that you’re able to can manage yourself well. Because if you’re disorganized in life, and you’re not all that intentional, chaos can occur. Our minds are strange places. Naturally, they’re programmed to cause problems. They worry, they fear, they’re negative. And they’re exhausting too! So, you have to go the extra mile to keep your mind calm. To quieten your thoughts and to promote peace and positivity.

In a busy world, that’s tough. So it’s always good to know ways to deal with anxiety and stress. But when you’re dealing with both, it’s the hardest thing to do. To help you, let’s consider five activities that can encourage a calm mind.


To start with, there’s writing. You don’t have to want to pen the great American novel or even have anything to say to write. You could just start by journaling and emptying your thoughts onto a page. Or you could make up stories - anything. The process of writing is like therapy. It’s calming and allows you to escape your mind for a while.


Exercise is so good for us. And not just for your body - mainly for your mind. Running, in particular, is one of the forms of exercise that gives you immense mental clarity. If you find that your thoughts consume you and you cannot escape them, hit the road. Just start running. It weirdly clears your mind and allows you to focus. It’s a great way to force yourself to breathe and to be present, whether you’re listening to music while you’re doing it or not.


And then, of course, there’s always meditation to think about here too. Meditation is one of those things that you can easily think is hard work or not for you, but most of the time you may not even know what it involves. The idea is that you’re calming the mind. And anyone can do that. So much so, that there are different meditation apps that you can try to see what works for you. By making your mind still and controlling your thoughts, you’ll always be able to encourage a calmer mind.


Next up, there’s reading too. Because it’s escapism. Whether you’re an avid reader or not, there’s always going to be a kind of book for you. And it allows you to take your mind off of whatever it’s thinking about and diving into a new world that allows you to feel calm.


And finally, there’s also drawing too. You may not realize it, but drawing is a great stress reliever. Even if you don’t think you’re all that creative. Or you don’t you think can draw, it’s pretty calming. Here, you could even look to get one of the adult coloring books. Because spending your time coloring things in is just as therapeutic as drawing something from scratch.


The Weather And Your Mental Health

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We’re all aware that the weather can affect our physical health, some people get more aches and pains in the cold; the flu and viruses are rife as winter hits and sunstroke, sunburn or heat rash are common in the summer. However, did you know that the weather can also affect your mental health? It’s not just about the time of year which people find difficult, Christmas and New Year aren’t necessarily happy for a lot of people, and if you’re suffering from depression, then you probably feel the pressure to be happy as well as general anxiety around the festive period. It’s also the weather and the weather won’t be getting any warmer or brighter for a few months yet, so after Christmas and New Year is often really tough as well.

You may have heard about Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that comes and goes in a seasonal pattern. It is sometimes known as "winter depression" because the symptoms are usually more apparent and more severe during the winter although a few people with SAD may have symptoms during the summer and feel better during the winter.

According to the NHS, the exact cause of SAD isn't fully understood, but it's often linked to reduced exposure to sunlight during the shorter autumn and winter days.

The leading theory is that a lack of sunlight might stop a part of the brain called the hypothalamus working correctly, which may affect the: production of melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that makes you feel sleepy; in people with SAD, the body may produce it in higher than normal levels.  A lack of sunlight may also lead to lower serotonin levels, a hormone that affects your mood, appetite, and sleep. Feelings of depression can also be linked to your body's internal clock (circadian rhythm) as your body uses sunlight to time various vital functions, such as when you wake up, so lower light levels during the winter may disrupt your body clock and lead to symptoms of SAD.

It’s not just SAD and not just people who suffer from depression that suffer depending on the weather, according to John Grohol, PsyD, founder and CEO of Psych Central, “the overall preponderance of evidence suggests that weather can have more than just ‘a little effect’ on your mood.” In a 1974 study with 16,000 students in Basel City, Switzerland, 18 percent of the boys and 29 percent of the girls responded negatively to certain weather conditions, exhibiting symptoms of fatigue, dysphoric moods, irritability, and headaches.

During the winter months, everyone should try and get as much natural sunlight as possible, exercise regularly, and manage your stress levels. There are Depression Treatments available such as light therapy – where a particular lamp called a lightbox is used to simulate exposure to sunlight or talking treatments – such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), or counseling can help too.


Attention: Fix Your Posture!

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Don’t let posture pains stop you from playing with your kids. Flickr

Everyone’s unique in their own way, but there are also loads of things that the majority of people have in common. These days, almost everyone you come into contact with has bad posture. Unless they’re a ballerina or an athlete, then their posture sucks! It’s an especially problematic issue for parents, as you’re often stuck doing things that make your posture worse.

I think all people and parents need to fix their posture, and I’ll explain how to do this later on. First, I want to discuss why this is so important:

Get rid of chronic pain

How many of you are stuck with a stiff neck or sore back all the time? Most of us, right? This usually comes down to lousy posture as it means our spine and hips are just in wrong positions, which causes pain. So, when you fix your posture, it gets rid of your chronic pain, leading to a much better life. This is also good for parents who might be too stiff or sore to play with their kids, which is never something you want to admit to yourself. By working on your posture, you can become more mobile, flexible, and pain-free! So, picking your kids up and running around with them becomes a breeze.

Good posture makes you much happier and positive! pixnio

Improve your mental wellbeing

Yes, your posture links into your mental wellbeing! Most people assume that issues with your mental health are purely mind-based. However, it’s often physical things that can put you in a bad frame of mind. With poor posture, you’re very rounded over, and your body language is quite closed off. Plus, there’s the soreness to deal with every day, which can make you negative. When you fix your posture and get into proper alignment, then everything feels better. You’re standing up taller, your body language is way more positive, and all the pain has subsided. As a result, you end up in a much better mental space!

Keep your body healthy

The worst thing about having lousy posture is that you don’t realize the effect it’s having on your body. Staying in an uncompromising position will put so much strain and tension on different muscles or joints. This can lead to serious problems like arthritis or it can even lock your body into unnatural positions. If you don’t do something about it, then you could end up like a hunch back all bent over or your lower back essentially gives out because there’s too much tension there. As a result, you could be asking for a one-way ticket to a wheelchair. If you look after your posture and work on improving it, then you help keep your body healthy. This helps prevent future issues like these, meaning you can stay in better shape for longer. Hopefully, you’ll still be fit as a spring chicken when you have grandchildren so you can play with them as well!

As you can see, your posture plays an integral role in your life! If you have kids, then lousy posture can ruin things for you. Simple stuff like trying to pick your child up will be painful for you. Your constant soreness means you don’t want to play with them as you’re in too much pain. So, you really need to focus on fixing any issues, and here’s what you’ve got to do:

Strengthen your core muscles

Most people’s posture issues are caused by muscle imbalances - usually centered around your core. This is basically your abs, lower back, and a bit of glute in there as well. When you fix your posture, it inevitably means you strengthen all of these muscles. Why is this a good thing? Well, strengthening your abs can help to flatten your stomach, which instantly makes you look slimmer and leaner. More importantly, it keeps your spine in a more neutral position. So, it’s not over-arching or rounding in the wrong places, meaning your pain goes away and you’re more balanced. There are loads of exercises you can try, but a classic plank is probably the best one - and here’s a video to help you do it correctly.

Strengthen your back muscles

Along with your abs and core muscles, you need to strengthen your back muscles as well. This helps pull your shoulders back into their proper position, which stops them rounding over and causing all sorts of pain and soreness.

Stretch out your tight muscles

As well as strengthening your core and upper back muscles, you need to stretch out your tight ones. Inevitably, these end up being on the opposite side of your body to the weak muscles! So, stretch our your chest, shoulders, lower back, and hip flexors/quads. This loosens them up and stops all the tension and tightness that can pull your spine out of position. Again, there’s a video below that shows you some good stretches to try out.

Sit less and stay active

The number one reason for bad posture is that we sit too much. We drive the car everywhere, we sit at work, we sit on the sofa - and so on. This causes all the muscle imbalances that throw everything out of place. So, if you sit less and maintain a more active lifestyle, then the previous three tips will start to be more beneficial. There’s no use strengthening and stretching if you aren’t changing your bad habits at the same time!

Posture is a massive issue for the majority of adults around the world. It’s worth noting that women have more to worry about as well! With the effects of pregnancy - added to the fact that there’s some extra weight on our chests that can make us round our backs - it’s easy to get bad posture. I hope this article has done an excellent job of explaining why you need to improve your posture, and how you can do it. Once you’re aware of the problem, it becomes much easier to focus on fixing it for good!


What to Do When Mental Health Becomes a Disability

**Some of the links in this post are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you choose to make a purchase. *Contributed post

When we think of mental health problems, we tend to look at the symptoms of given conditions, but don’t really take time to consider how they can impact an individual’s day to day life and navigation of the world. They can actually become a serious disability, negatively impacting the quality of someone’s life in various ways. So, if you feel that you or a loved one’s mental health problem is becoming a disability, here’s everything you need to know!

When Does a Mental Health Issue Become a Disability?

When people are dealing with mild mental health concerns, they may be able to carry on with their day to day tasks uninterrupted. However, if you find that the symptoms and experience of a mental health issue are interfering with your day to day life and making day to day activities difficult to carry out, it is likely that it has become a disability. Some mental health issues are more likely to interfere with your general functioning than others. Conditions to note include:

However, it is important to remember that any mental health condition could develop into a disability, so if you feel that you are struggling, contact a medical professional who will be able to diagnose you, survey your symptoms, and measure the degree to which they are impacting your day to day life.

Dealing With Its Effects on Your Professional Life

If your mental health concern has become a disability, you are likely to notice that it impacts almost every area of your life, including your professional life. This can be extremely frustrating, as not only will you be experiencing the negative symptoms that come hand in hand with your condition, but you may find yourself in difficult situations, such as finding that your work contract is terminated due to an inability to attend work, an inability to make it into work on time, or an inability to carry out expected tasks and roles for a given period of time. Alternatively, you may find it difficult to land a job in the first place due to your condition. This can have a profoundly negative impact on your finances, placing you in an even worse situation than suffering from the disability alone. If you feel that you are experiencing prejudice when being interviewed for a job role, are experiencing prejudice in the workplace, or have been wrongfully expelled from the workplace due to your condition, you may want to file disability claims.

Dealing With Its Effects on Your Social Life

Mental health can also have a negative impact on your social life. If you do not inform loved ones of your condition, they may take offense to your behavior or actions. This can cause tension. However, if you are open with others and explain why you might not be as social, active, or involved, they should be understanding and help you through these negative times. If you are feeling alone, there are plenty of support groups and helplines out there to help you through this difficult experience!

Hopefully, the above information has helped you to understand how mental health problems can be linked to disability, and how to deal with their effects on your life in general!