28 Day Reading Challenge - Day 8

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The Happiness Project was another one of my favorite books from last year.  It follows the story of Gretchen Rubin as she tries to cultivate happiness over 365 days after having the realization: "The days are long, but the years are short."

She performs a variety of different experiments incorporating the wisdom of the ages, current research, and popular new trends to try and find what makes one happier.  She tests the theory of can money buy happiness.  Turns out it can if wisely spent.  What the Kon Mari method and my mother have been telling me for years - outer organization creates inner calm.

It is hilarious and at times a little sad as Gretchen finds her way through the 365 days of grappling with what happiness means.  I loved the book and definitely considered doing a 365 day happiness project myself.  Turns out lots of other people did too and now, there's a Happiness Project Manifesto, groups, along with dozens of other resources.

Until tomorrow and the next great read!


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