I have goal planned, bujo'd, doodled, journaled, and daydreamed about starting this blog since 2016. It might have even been earlier - probably when my husband and I started trying to get pregnant. Of course, it turns out getting pregnant isn't as easy as one would think. In an effort to right set my mind, I began journaling, doing affirmations, vision boarding, thinking positive thoughts to let my heart and body be open to getting pregnant. All of this required daily habits and an attempt to change my mindset. Then, in the summer of 2017, I got pregnant - that's great, right? It was great; I was thrilled. That, however, didn't mean pregnancy would be all glowy, dewey, happiness. It was miserable. I didn't even have it that bad in terms of morning sickness and the typical icky pregnancy things. The end was the worst; I was the size of a house, I threw up everytime I laid down (intense acid reflux), and then the last week I started itching and felt and looked like a meth head. (Itching can be a weird sign of possible stillbirth - so this really freaked me out.) On January 27th, 2017, LB arrived and I thought I would have my body back and I had this wonderful little girl that I had dreamed about since I was just a babe myself. Turns out motherhood isn't quite as easy as I might have thought especially with extreme post partum depression. I couldn't stop crying for over 8 months. I don't particularly remember the first year of my child's life. My marriage has had to weather the brunt of the PPD and me. Through all of this, I have been reminded constantly through my daughter that there is beauty, inspiration, and grace in everything if we just look. I started this blog to remind myself to THINK BIG THOUGHTS, DREAM BIG DREAMS, and continue to find BEAUTY INSPIRED GRACE EVERYWHERE. I hope you enjoy the journey with me.

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