How To Deal With Problems Associated With Getting Older

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Unfortunately, it is inevitable that you will get older. There will always be issues associated with this and it is up to you how you tackle them. You are far more at risk of developing health related problems such as arthritis and dementia when you are over the age of 60. Here is a list of ailments you may find yourself worrying about and how to overcome them.

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Mental Health

This is vital to keep watch over, when you get to a certain age you are far more at risk of developing cognitive problems such as memory loss associated with dementia or Alzeihmers. It is thought that once you stop keeping your brain busy and active it simply starts to decline. Previously your brain would have been kept active through work or going out with friends. Once you get to retirement age this happens less often. You need to make a conscious effort to keep your brain healthy, this can be done through word and number puzzles such as sudoku and crosswords. 

Diet & Exercise

As you get older you may find it heartbreaking that you can’t eat all the wonderful things you could before. Once you are in your prime your body starts to need less calories, you may find that you need to eat little and often rather than three meals a day. This is due to your metabolism slowing right down, this usually happens around the age of 50. If you continue to eat as you did before you may find that you are putting on more weight around your middle, this is known as middle-aged spread but it can happen in old-age as well. 

You should also be aiming to complete at least 30/45 minutes of exercise each day to keep away any weight-related conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and strokes. Exercise should be gentle and not too strenuous on your joints. Swimming and yoga are great examples of this. 

Physical Health 

You may notice your physical health taking a turn for the worse as soon as you reach the age of 40, it doesn’t get much better. You might find that your joints are getting stiffer and it takes you that bit longer to get out of bed each morning. You need to be aware of various physical health complaints when you get older as they can be a sign of something more serious. One thing that will be slightly more noticeable is your need to pee more often. As you age your bladder and the muscles you use to hold your wee get weaker, this means you are far more susceptible to incontinence. This is nothing to be embarrassed about and it affects a high percentage of the older population. There are ways you can manage this, incontinence briefs and pads for example. There are more serious cases where you could consider surgery. 

We hope you found this article helpful and it gives you some top tips on how to deal with common ailments you may struggle with when you reach a certain age. Remember, to always consult your doctor if you are worried. 


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